DS39026C-page 230
2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPLINK Object Linker/
MPLIB Object Librarian
The MPLINK object linker combines relocatable
objects created by the MPASM assembler and the
MPLAB C17 and MPLAB C18 C compilers. It can also
link relocatable objects from pre-compiled libraries,
using directives from a linker script.
The MPLIB object librarian is a librarian for pre-
compiled code to be used with the MPLINK object
linker. When a routine from a library is called from
another source file, only the modules that contain that
routine will be linked in with the application. This allows
large libraries to be used efficiently in many different
applications. The MPLIB object librarian manages the
creation and modification of library files.
The MPLINK object linker features include:
Integration with MPASM assembler and MPLAB
C17 and MPLAB C18 C compilers.
Allows all memory areas to be defined as sections
to provide link-time flexibility.
The MPLIB object librarian features include:
Easier linking because single libraries can be
included instead of many smaller files.
Helps keep code maintainable by grouping
related modules together.
Allows libraries to be created and modules to be
added, listed, replaced, deleted or extracted.
MPLAB SIM Software Simulator
The MPLAB SIM software simulator allows code devel-
opment in a PC-hosted environment by simulating the
PICmicro series microcontrollers on an instruction
level. On any given instruction, the data areas can be
examined or modified and stimuli can be applied from
a file, or user-defined key press, to any of the pins. The
execution can be performed in single step, execute
until break, or trace mode.
The MPLAB SIM simulator fully supports symbolic debug-
ging using the MPLAB C17 and the MPLAB C18 C com-
pilers and the MPASM assembler. The software simulator
offers the flexibility to develop and debug code outside of
the laboratory environment, making it an excellent multi-
project software development tool.
MPLAB ICE High Performance
Universal In-Circuit Emulator with
The MPLAB ICE universal in-circuit emulator is intended
to provide the product development engineer with a
complete microcontroller design tool set for PICmicro
microcontrollers (MCUs). Software control of the
MPLAB ICE in-circuit emulator is provided by the
MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE),
which allows editing, building, downloading and source
debugging from a single environment.
The MPLAB ICE 2000 is a full-featured emulator sys-
tem with enhanced trace, trigger and data monitoring
features. Interchangeable processor modules allow the
system to be easily reconfigured for emulation of differ-
ent processors. The universal architecture of the
MPLAB ICE in-circuit emulator allows expansion to
support new PICmicro microcontrollers.
The MPLAB ICE in-circuit emulator system has been
designed as a real-time emulation system, with
advanced features that are generally found on more
expensive development tools. The PC platform and
Microsoft Windows environment were chosen to best
make these features available to you, the end user.
ICEPIC In-Circuit Emulator
The ICEPIC low cost, in-circuit emulator is a solution
for the Microchip Technology PIC16C5X, PIC16C6X,
PIC16C7X and PIC16CXXX families of 8-bit One-
Time-Programmable (OTP) microcontrollers. The mod-
ular system can support different subsets of PIC16C5X
or PIC16CXXX products through the use of inter-
changeable personality modules, or daughter boards.
The emulator is capable of emulating without target
application circuitry being present.