Functional Description
Supply Pin (V
Undervoltage detection is implemented to disable transmission if V
S is falling to a value below
5V to avoid false bus messages. After switching on V
S the IC switches to pre-normal mode and
INHIBIT is switched on. The supply current in sleep mode is typically 10 A.
Ground Pin (GND)
The ATA6661 is neutral on the LIN pin in case of a GND disconnection. It is able to handle a
ground shift up to 3V for V
S > 9V.
Bus Pin (LIN)
A low-side driver with internal current limitation and thermal shutdown as well as an internal
pull-up resistor according to LIN specification 2.0 are implemented. The voltage range is from
–27V to +60V. This pin exhibits no reverse current from the LIN bus to V
S, even in case of a
GND shift or V
Batt disconnection. The LIN receiver thresholds are compatible to the LIN protocol
specification.The fall time (from recessive to dominant) and the rise time (from dominant to
recessive) are slope controlled. The output has a short circuit limitation. This is a self adapting
current limitation; i.e., during current limitation as the chip temperature increases so the current
Input Pin (TXD)
This pin is the microcontroller interface to control the state of the LIN output. TXD is low to bring
LIN low. If TXD is high, the LIN output transistor is turned off. In this case, the bus is in recessive
mode via the internal pull-up resistor. The TXD pin is compatible to a 3.3V and 5V supply.
TXD Dominant Time-out Function
The TXD input has an internal pull-down resistor. An internal timer prevents the bus line from
being driven permanently in dominant state. If TXD is forced low longer than t
dom > 6 ms, the pin
LIN will be switched off to recessive mode. To reset this mode switch TXD to high (>10 s)
before switching LIN to dominant again.
Output Pin (RXD)
This pin reports to the microcontroller the state of the LIN bus. LIN high (recessive) is reported
by a high level at RXD, LIN low (dominant) is reported by a low voltage at RXD. The output is an
open drain, therefore, it is compatible to a 3.3V or 5V power supply. The AC characteristics are
defined with a pull-up resistor of 5 k
Ωto 5V and a load capacitor of 20 pF. The output is short-cur-
rent protected. In unpowered mode (V
S = 0V), RXD is switched off. For ESD protection a Zener
diode is implemented with V
Z =6.1V.