AT-31011, AT-31033
Low Current, High Performance NPN
Silicon Bipolar Transistor
Data Sheet
Avago’s AT-31011 and AT-31033 are high performance
NPN bipolar transistors that have been optimized for op-
eration at low voltages, making them ideal for use in bat-
tery powered applications in wireless markets. The AT-
31033 uses the 3 lead SOT-23, while the AT-31011 places
the same die in the higher performance 4 lead SOT-143.
Both packages are industry standards compatible with
high volume surface mount assembly techniques.
The 3.2 micron emitter-to-emitter pitch and reduced
parasitic design of these transistors yields extremely high
performance products that can perform a multiplicity
of tasks. The 10 emitter finger interdigitated geometry
yields an extremely fast transistor with low operating
currents and reasonable impedances.
Optimized performance at 2.7 V makes these devices
ideal for use in 900 MHz, 1.9 GHz, and 2.4 GHz battery
operated systems as an LNA, gain stage, buffer, oscilla-
tor, or active mixer. Applications include cellular and PCS
handsets as well as Industrial-Scientific-Medical systems.
Typical amplifier designs at 900 MHz yield 1.3 dB noise
figures with 11 dB or more associated gain at a 2.7 V, 1
mA bias. Moderate output power capability (+9 dBm
P1dB) coupled with an excellent noise figure yields high
dynamic range for a microcurrent device. High gain ca-
pability at 1V,1 mA makes these devices a good fit for 900
MHz pager applications.
The AT-3 series bipolar transistors are fabricated using
an optimized version of Avago’s 10 GHz fT, 30 GHz fmax
Self-Aligned-Transistor (SAT) process. The die are nitride
passivated for surface protection. Excellent device uni-
formity, performance and reliability are produced by the
use of ion-implantation, self-alignment techniques, and
gold metalization in the fabrication of these devices.
High Performance Bipolar Transistor Optimized for
Low Current, Low Voltage Operation
900 MHz Performance:
AT-31011: 0.9 dB NF, 13 dB GA
AT-31033: 0.9 dB NF, 11 dB GA
Characterized for End-Of-Life Battery Use (2.7 V)
SOT-143 SMT Plastic Package
Tape-And-Reel Packaging Option Available
Pin Connections and Package Marking
Top View. Package Marking provides orientation and identification.
"x" is the date code.
SOT-23 (AT-31033)
SOT-143 (AT-31011)