This design guide describes the design of a low power
consumption optical mouse using the new Avago Tech-
nologies ADNB-3532 low power small form factor optical
mouse sensor, Texas Instruments MSP430F1222 micro-
controller and Nordic Semiconductor nRF2402 2.4GHz
RF transmitter. The receiver dongle is implemented with
a Nordic Semiconductor nRF2401A 2.4GHz RF transceiv-
er in conjunction with a Cypress CY7C63231A enCoRe
USB controller. This reference design kit provides a power
efficient and feature-rich solution in one small and slim
The design guide discusses the reference design
hardware and firmware implementation. The document
starts with the basic operations of a computer mouse
peripheral followed by an introduction to the Avago
ADNS-3530 low power optical mouse sensor, the Nordic
Semiconductor nRF2402 transmitter and nRF2401A
transceiver, Texas Instruments MSP430F1222 micro-
controller. The software section of this application note
describes the architecture of the firmware required to
implement the mouse and the USB dongle functions.
Included in Appendix A is the schematic for this reference
design mouse and USB dongle.
The ADNK-3533-TN24 low power slim optical mouse
utilizes the ADNB-3532 low power Light Emmiting Diode
(LED) slim mouse sensor bundle. The LED mouse bundle
is a small form factor (SFF) LED illuminated navigation
system. The bundle consists of an integrated chip-on-
board (COB) LED mouse sensor ADNS-3530 and a SFF
lens ADNS-3150-001.
The ADNS-3530 is a low- power optical navigation sensor.
It has a new, low-power architecture and automatic
power management modes, making it ideal for battery-
and power-sensitive applications such as cordless input
Optical Mouse Designer’s Kit
Design Guide
The ADNS-3530 is capable of high-speed motion
detection – up to 20ips and 8G. In addition, it has an on-
chip oscillator and integrated LED to minimize external
The ADNS-3530 along with the ADNS-3150-001 lens form
a complete and compact mouse tracking system. There
are no moving parts which means high reliability and
less maintenance for the end user. In addition, precision
optical alignment is not required, facilitating high volume
The bundle sensor is programmed via registers through
a four-wire serial port. It is packaged in a 16 I/O surface
mountable package.
Introduction to ADNS-3530 Optical Mouse Sensor
The ADNS-3530 is based on Optical Navigation Technol-
ogy, which measures changes in position by optically
acquiring sequential surface images (frames) and math-
ematically determining the direction and magnitude of
The ADNS-3530 contains an Image Acquisition System
(IAS), a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), and a four wire
serial port.
The IAS acquires microscopic surface images via the lens
and illumination system. These images are processed
by the DSP to determine the direction and distance of
motion. The DSP calculates the Δx and Δy relative dis-
placement values.
An external microcontroller reads the Δx and Δy informa-
tion from the sensor serial port. The microcontroller then
translates the data into PS2, USB, or RF signals before
sending them to the host PC or game console.
To learn more about sensor’s technical informa-
tion, please visit the Avago web site at