FPGA Families 40MX and 42MX
3- 2
Datasheet Categories
In order to provide the latest information to designers, some datasheets are published before data has been fully
characterized. Datasheets are designated as "Product Brief," "Advanced," "Production," and "Datasheet
Supplement." The definitions of these categories are as follows:
Product Brief
The product brief is a summarized version of a datasheet (advanced or production) containing general product
information. This brief gives an overview of specific device and family information.
This datasheet version contains initial estimated information based on simulation, other products, devices, or speed
grades. This information can be used as estimates, but not for production.
Unmarked (production)
This datasheet version contains information that is considered to be final.
Datasheet Supplement
The datasheet supplement gives specific device information for a derivative family that differs from the general family
datasheet. The supplement is to be used in conjunction with the datasheet to obtain more detailed information and
for specifications that do not differ between the two families.
Pin 61 (42MX09, 42MX16, and 42MX64) has changed to LP
Pin 129 (42MX09, 42MX16, and 42MX64) has changed to LP
Pin 198 (42MX09) has changed to I/O
Pin 91 (42MX36) has changed to LP
Pin 62 (42MX09 and 42MX16) has changed to LP
Pin 109 (42MX09 and 42MX16) has changed to LP
Pin K20 (42MX36) has changed to LP
Because the changes in this data sheet are extensive and technical in nature, this should be viewed
as a new document. Please read it as you would a data sheet that is published for the first time.
Note that the “Package Characteristics and Mechanical Drawings” section has been eliminated
from the data sheet. The mechanical drawings are now contained in a separate document,
“Package Characteristics and Mechanical Drawings,” available on the Actel web site.
Previous version
Changes in current version (v 6. 0 )