Output Formats
Lens output
Video output
Other 5680 Specifications
Gating Method
50 ns to continuous
50 ns to continuous
3.5 V to 5.0 V/50
......................................120 ns max.
Max. horizontal blanking repetition frequency
Max. MCP gate repetition frequency
Max. photocathode gate repetition frequency
............2 MHz
......................... 10 kHz
........... 10 kHz
Monitor out signal ................ 3.5 Vp-p (typ.)
............................... IEEE-488 (GP-IB)
Status output .......................
.........................AC110/117/220/240 V, 50/60 Hz
............. Approx. 180 V
Power consumption
M5675 Synchroscan Unit
Temporal resolution...................
Better than 2 ps at 800 nm (N5716-01)
Better than 3 ps at 800 nm (N5716-02)
Sweep range
Video output type .
150 ps to 1/6 fs (fs:synchroscan frequency)
Lens output type...
200 ps to 1/6 fs
Sweep range ........................... 4 selectable range
Synchroscan frequency ............
Factory set within a range of 75 MHz
to 165 MHz
Synchronous frequency range ..
0.2 MHz (fs = synchroscan frequency)
Trigger jitter
...........................Better than temporal resolution
Trigger signal input....................
3 dBm to 17 dBm / 50
M5676 Fast Single Sweep Unit
Temporal resolution........................
Sweep time
Video output type ..
Lens output type...
Trigger jitter
Trigger delay ................................
Maximum sweep repetition frequency (max.)
Trigger signal input .......................
M5677 Slow Single Sweep Unit
Temporal resolution.......................
Sweep time
Trigger jitter ...................................
Trigger delay .................................
Maximum sweep repetition frequency (max.)
Trigger signal input .......................
Synchroscan frequency ........
Horizontal shift width
Effective F value
1 : 0.7 (50 mm : 35 mm)
Signal format
Coupling method
CCIR or RS-170
Fiber optics
493 or 756
581 pixels
Sweep units
g-in: built into main unit)
D sub-connector DB-25S, 16-bit
parallel output, open collector
Gate trigger delay time
Gate trigger input
Line voltage
Better than 2 ps at 800 nm (1.5 ps typ.)
0.15, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 ns/full screen
0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 ns/full screen
Better than 20 ps
5 V/50
Approx. 13 ns (fastest range)
10 kHz
Better than 50 ps
50 ns to 1 ms/full screen
Better than temporal resolution
5 V/50
Approx. 45 ns (fastest range)
2 MHz (fastest range)
Function Expansion Units (connected to
top of main unit)
M5678 Synchronous Blanking Unit
(designed for use in conjunction with M5675 Synchroscan)
Factory set within a range of 75 MHz to 165 MHz
2.5 mm or 11 mm (at phosphor screen)
M5679 Dual Time Base Extender Unit
(Can be used in conjunction with all sweep units)
Sweep time
Maximum sweep repetition frequency (max.)
Trigger signal input
5 V/50
10 ns to 100 ms/full screen
10 Hz
Gate Time
1 : 10
1 : 10
Gate Extin-
ction Ratio
MCP + horizontal blanking
MCP + horizontal blanking + photocathode