1996 Jan 26
Philips Semiconductors
Objective specication
I2C-bus controlled PAL/NTSC TV processors
TDA8376; TDA8376A
Source selection with 2 CVBS inputs and a Y/C (or extra
CVBS) input
Output signals of the video switch circuit for the teletext
decoder and a Picture-In-Picture (PIP) processor
Video identification circuit which is independent of the
synchronization for stable On Screen Display (OSD)
under ‘no-signal’ conditions
Integrated chrominance trap with pre-shoot
compensation and bandpass filters (automatically
Integrated luminance delay line
Asymmetrical peaking in the luminance channel with a
(defeatable) noise coring function
Black stretcher circuit in the luminance channel
PAL/NTSC colour decoder with automatic search
Easy interfacing with the TDA8395 (SECAM decoder)
for multistandard applications
RGB control circuit with black-current stabilization and
white point adjustment; to obtain a good grey scale
tracking the black-current ratio of the 3 guns depends on
the white point adjustment
Two linear RGB inputs and fast blanking
Horizontal synchronization with two control loops and
alignment-free horizontal oscillator
Vertical count-down circuit
Geometry correction by modulation of the vertical and
E-W drive
Vertical and horizontal zoom possibility for 16 : 9
applications (TDA8376A only)
I2C-bus control of various functions
Low dissipation (700 mW)
Small amount of peripheral components compared with
competition ICs
Y, U and V inputs and outputs.
The TDA8376 and TDA8376A are alignment-free I2C-bus
controlled video processors which contain a PAL/NTSC
colour decoder, luminance processor, sync processor,
RGB-control and deflection processor. The circuits have
been designed for use with the baseband chrominance
delay line TDA4665 and for DC-coupled vertical and
East-West (E-W) output stages. Both ICs are pin
compatible. The TDA8376A has a flexible horizontal and
vertical zoom possibility for 16 : 9 applications.
The supply voltage for the ICs is 8 V. The ICs are available
in an SDIP package with 52 pins and in a QFP package
with 64 pins (see Chapter 4).
The pin numbers indicated in this document are
referenced to the SDIP52; SOT247-1 package; unless
otherwise indicated.