June 1989
9334/DM9334 8-Bit Addressable Latch
General Description
The DM9334 is a high speed 8-bit Addressable Latch de-
signed for general purpose storage applications in digital
systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing sin-
gle line data in eight addressable latches, and being a one-
of-eight decoder and demultiplexer with active level high
outputs. The device also incorporates an active level low
common clear for resetting all latches, as well as an active
level low enable.
The DM9334 has four modes of operation which are shown
in the mode selection table. In the addressable latch mode,
data on the data line (D) is written into the addressed latch.
The addressed latch will follow the data input with all non-
addressed latches remaining in their previous states. In the
memory mode, all latches remain in their previous state and
are unaffected by the data or address inputs.
In the one-of-eight decoding or demultiplexing mode, the
addressed output will follow the state of the D input with all
other inputs in the low state. In the clear mode all outputs
are low and unaffected by the address and data inputs.
When operating the device as an addressable latch, chang-
ing more than one bit of the address could impose a tran-
sient wrong address. Therefore, this should only be done
while in the memory mode.
The function tables summarize the operation of the product.
Common clear
Easily expandable
Random (addressable) data entry
Serial to parallel capability
8 bits of storage/output of each bit available
Active high demultiplexing/decoding capability
Alternate Military/Aerospace device (9334) is available.
Contact a National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distrib-
utor for specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 9334DMQB, 9334FMQB, DM9334J or DM9334N
See NS Package Number J16A, N16E or W16A
1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M105/Printed in U. S. A.