68HC(9)12DG128 Rev 1.0
clock generator module (CGM)
— The CGM module generates a base clock signal from which
the system clocks are derived. The CGM may include a crystal oscillator circuit and/or
phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit.
— A device that compares the magnitude of two inputs. A digital comparator defines
the equality or relative differences between two binary numbers.
computer operating properly module (COP)
— A counter module that resets the MCU if
allowed to overflow.
condition code register (CCR)
— An 8-bit register in the CPU that contains the interrupt mask
bit and five bits that indicate the results of the instruction just executed.
control bit
— One bit of a register manipulated by software to control the operation of the
control unit
— One of two major units of the CPU. The control unit contains logic functions that
synchronize the machine and direct various operations. The control unit decodes
instructions and generates the internal control signals that perform the requested
operations. The outputs of the control unit drive the execution unit, which contains the
arithmetic logic unit (ALU), CPU registers, and bus interface.
— See "computer operating properly module (COP)."
— See “central processor unit (CPU).”
— The CPU of the MC68HC12 Family.
CPU clock
— Bus clock select bits BCSP and BCSS in the clock select register (CLKSEL)
determine which clock drives SYSCLK for the main system, including the CPU and buses.
When EXTALi drives the SYSCLK, the CPU or bus clock frequency (f
) is equal to the
EXTALi frequency divided by 2.
CPU cycles
— A CPU cycle is one period of the internal bus clock, normally derived by dividing
a crystal oscillator source by two or more so the high and low times will be equal. The
length of time required to execute an instruction is measured in CPU clock cycles.