Application Division
Feedback Resistor
The CLC415 achieves its exceptional AC performance while
requiring very low quiescent power by using the current
feedback topology and an internal slew rate enhancement
circuit. The loop gain and frequency response for a current
feedback op amp is predominantly set by the feedback
resistor value. The CLC415 is optimized for a gain of +6 to
use a 500
feedback resistor (use a 900 R
f for maximally
flat response at a gain of +2). Using lower values can lead
to excessive ringing in the pulse response while higher value
will limit the bandwidth.
Application Note OA-13 provides a more detailed discussion
of choosing a feedback resistor. The equations found in this
application note are to be considered a starting point for the
determination of R
f at any gain. The value of input imped-
ance for the CLC415 is approximately 60
. These equations
do not account for parasitic capacitance at the inverting input
nor across R
f. The plot found below entitled “Recommended
f vs. Gain” offers values of Rf which will optimize the
frequency response of the CLC415 over its ±1to ±10 gain
range. Unlike voltage feedback, current feedback op amps
require a non-zero R
f for unity gain followers.
Non-Inverting Source Impedance
For best operation, the DC source impedance looking out of
the non-inverting input should be less than 3k
but greater
than 20
. Parasitic self oscillations may occur in the input
transistors if the DC source impedance is out of this range.
This impedance also acts as the gain for the non-inverting
input bias and noise currents and therefore can become
troublesome for high values of DC source impedance. The
inverting configuration of
Figure 3 shows a 25
resistor to
ground on the non-inverting input which insures stability but
does not provide bias current cancellation. The input bias
currents are unrelated for a current feedback amplifier which
eliminates the need for source impedance matching to
achieve bias current cancellation.
DC Accuracy and Noise
Please refer to the application information section of the
CLC406 for a discussion of output offset voltage and spot
noise calculation.
In any multi-channel integrated circuit there is an undesir-
able tendency for the signal in one channel to couple with
and reproduce itself in the output of another channel. This
effect is referred to as crosstalk. Crosstalk is expressed as
channel separation or channel isolation which indicates the
magnitude of this undesirable effect. This effect is measured
by driving one or more channels and observing the output of
the other undriven channel(s). The CLC415 plot page offers
two different graphs detailing the effect of crosstalk over
frequency. One plot entitled “All-Hostile Crosstalk Isolation”
crosstalk. All-hostile
crosstalk refers to the condition where three channels are
driven simultaneously while observing the output of the un-
driven fourth channel. Input-referred implies that crosstalk is
directly affected by gain and therefore a higher gain in-
creases the crosstalk effect by a factor equal to that gain
Channel-to-Channel Pulse Coupling” describes the effect of
crosstalk when one channel is driven with a 2V
PP pulse while
the output of the most effected channel is observed.
FIGURE 1. Recommended R
f vs. Gain
FIGURE 2. Recommended Non-Inverting Gain Circuit
FIGURE 3. Recommended Inverting Gain Circuit