during conversion much like a hold capacitor in a
sample/hold amplifier.
The conversion consists of manipulating the free
plates of the capacitor array to VREF and AGND
to form a capacitive divider. Since the charge at
the floating node remains fixed, the voltage at
that point depends on the proportion of capaci-
tance ti ed to VREF versus AGND. Th e
successive-approximation algorithm is used to
find the proportion of capacitance, termed D in
Figure 2b, which when connected to the refer-
ence will drive the voltage at the floating node
(Vfn) to zero. That binary fraction of capacitance
represents the converter’s digital output.
This charge redistribution architecture easily sup-
ports bipolar input ranges. If half the capacitor
array (the MSB capacitor) is tied to VREF rather
than AIN in the track mode, the input range is
doubled and is offset half-scale. The magnitude
of the reference voltage thus defines both positive
and negative full-scale (-VREF to +VREF), and
the digital code is an offset binary representation
of the input.
The ability of the CS5012A/14/16 to convert ac-
curately clearly depends on the accuracy of their
comparator and DAC. The CS5012A/14/16 util-
ize an "auto-zeroing" scheme to null errors
introduced by the comparator. All offsets are
stored on the capacitor array while in the track
mode and are effectively subtracted from the in-
put signal when a conversion is initiated.
Auto-zeroing enhances power supply rejection at
frequencies well below the conversion rate.
To achieve complete accuracy from the DAC, the
CS5012A/14/16 use a novel self-calibration
scheme. Each bit capacitor, shown in Figure 1,
actually consists of several capacitors which can
be manipulated to adjust the overall bit weight.
An on-chip microcontroller adjusts the subarrays
to precisely ratio the bits. Each bit is adjusted to
just balance the sum of all less significant bits
plus one dummy LSB (for example, 16C = 8C +
4C + 2C + C + C). Calibration resolution for the
array is a small fraction of an LSB resulting in
nearly ideal differential and integral linearity.
The CS5012A/14/16 can be applied in a wide va-
riety of master clock, sampling, and calibration
conditions which directly affect the devices’ con-
version time and throughput. The devices also
feature on-chip 3-state output buffers and a com-
plete interface for connecting to 8-bit and 16-bit
digital systems. Output data is also available in
serial format.
Master Clock
The CS5012A/14/16 operate from a master clock
(CLKIN) which can be externally supplied or in-
ternally generated. The internal oscillator is
activated by externally tying the CLKIN input
low. Alternatively, the CS5012A/14/16 can be
synchronized to the external system by driving
the CLKIN pin with a TTL or CMOS clock sig-
Master Clock
Figure 3b. Synchronous Sampling
Master Clock
Figure 3a. Asynchronous Sampling
CS5012A, CS5014, CS5016