Ethernet Performance Validation and
Compliance Software
The N5392A Ethernet electrical
performance validation and
compliance option provides you
with a fast and easy way to verify
and debug your 1000Base-T,
100Base-TX and 10Base-T
Ethernet designs. The Ethernet
electrical test software, allows
you to automatically execute
Ethernet physical-layer (PHY)
electrical tests, and it displays
FPGA Dynamic Probe for Infiniium
MSO* (N5397A)
The new N5397A FPGA Dynamic
Probe for the Infiniium MSO pro-
vides the most effective solution
for validating and debugging
embedded designs incorporating
Xilinx FPGAs. This innovative
solution enables you to:
View internal FPGA activity
correlated to external analog
events —
With the FPGA
dynamic probe, the Infiniium
MSO’s 16 digital channels can
be used to access hundreds of
internal signals, unlocking
visibility into your design that
you never had before. With the
power of the MSO, these inter-
nal FPGA signals can be corre-
lated to external analog con-
tent for determining cause and
effect relationships.
Options and Accessories
* This option works with all 54830 Series Infiniium mixed-signal oscilloscopes and requires version A.03.90 system software or highter. Existing 54830 Series users can order
the N5383A Infiniium Performance Upgrade Kit to move from A.02.xx (Windows 98) to A.03.xx (Windows XP Pro) or higher revision of system software.
This option works with all 54830 Series Infiniium oscilloscopes and requires version A.03.50 (Windows XP Pro) system software or higher. Existing 54830 Series users can
order the N5383A Infiniium Performance Upgrade Kit to move from A.02.xx (Windows 98) to A.03.xx (Windows XP Pro) or higher revision of system software.
Make multiple measurements in
seconds —
Moving probe points
internal to an FPGA used to
require time consuming design
recompiles. Now, in less than a
second you can easily measure
a different set of internal sig-
nals without design changes.
By not changing the design,
FPGA timing stays constant
when you select new sets of
internal signals for probing.
Leverage the work you did in your
design environment —
dynamic probe automatically
maps internal signal names
from your FPGA design tool
to the MSO’s digital channel
labels. This provides easy sig-
nal identification and elimi-
nates unintentional mistakes
while saving hours of time.
the results in a flexible report
format. In addition to the
measurement data, the report
provides a margin analysis that
shows how closely your device
passed or failed each test. The
Agilent N5395A Ethernet electri-
cal compliance test fixture and
N5396A Gigabit Ethernet jitter
test cable are available for
making the physical connection
between the Infiniium oscillo-
scope and the device under test.