2401 Stanwell Drive Concord, California 94520 Ph: 925/687-4411 or 800/542-3355 Fax: 925/687-3333 www.calex.com Email: sales@calex.com
Model 540 Voltsensor
Single Supply, Current-Sinking Mode, Variable Hysteresis, Re-
sistive Load, V
in to +In Terminal
For latching applications the hysteresis potentiometer must
be removed from the mounting kit. A latching output is
obtained by connecting the Model 540 as in Figure 14. As
shown in the graph, the output voltage latches low when the
input is more positive than the set voltage for at least 10 ms
in the current-sinking mode. The load would be energized,
and remain so, even if the input voltage becomes more
negative than the set voltage. If input and set voltages are
reversed, the output volts will latch low when the input is more
negative than the set voltage. In the current-sourcing mode,
the output voltage latches high when the input is more positive
than the set voltage, providing the input is applied to pin 9 (non
inverting input). Because of the internal protection circuitry,
the unit will not latch in either output mode when the set
voltage is negative. Once the Model 540 has latched, it will
stay latched until the positive supply voltage (pin 3) is
interrupted for more than 100 ms to reset the unit. The 10 F
capacitor prevents the unit from latching immediately after it
is reset.
ON/OFF Differential (Hysteresis)
ON/OFF differential, or hysteresis, is a difference in switching
point depending on input signal direction. Unlike many IC
comparators, the hysteresis of the Model 540 can be varied
independently of the output stage operation. Hysteresis of the
Model 540 is factory set to a maximum of +VS/1000 where VS
is the positive supply voltage (pin 3). The hysteresis can also
be increased externally. The magnitude of hysteresis needed
depends upon the application. Increasing the hysteresis
improves noise immunity, but also increases the “dead zone.”
Hysteresis can be varied externally by two means: (1) Putting
a resistor between pins 2 and 14, or (2) Connecting a
potentiometer divider between pins 2 and 14 as shown in
Figure 15. Using either method, the response of a Model 540
with Vin connected to +IN, Vset to -IN, and the output connected
for current sinking, is shown in Figure 15. The voltage V
T at
which the unit trips will be within ±10 mV of the set voltage Vset.
The hysteresis voltage will be approximately
20 k
S - 3 - VT)
100 k
+ R
where R
H is the external resistance connected between pins
2 and 14. VH must be positive.
With a potentiometer divider as shown in Figure 15, the
hysteresis is approximately
0.2 [β (V
S - 2.4 - VT)]
, V
> 0
Both of these equations apply only to positive input signals;
the hysteresis is larger with negative input signals. Source
impedance of the input signal also affects hysteresis when the
input is applied to the +IN input. As can be seen from Figure
3, connecting the hysteresis pot externally will lower the input
impedance at the +IN input to 120 k
for negative inputs, but
the diode to pin 14 prevents loading for positive inputs. If the
signal source impedance is very large, it is best to apply the
signal to the -IN input and the set voltage to the +IN input.
Single Supply, Current-Sinking Mode, Latching Output, Resis-
tive Load, V
in to +In Terminal