User’s Manual
—Demonstrates the use of Timer B to generate a PWM signal on digital output
OUT8. The program generates a 42 Hz PWM signal with the duty cycle adjustable
from 1 to 99%.
—Demonstrates how to control the relay on the BL2000.
4.2.3 Serial Communication
The following sample programs are found in the RS232 subdirectory in SAMPLES/BL2000.
—Transmits and then receives an ASCII string on Serial Ports B and C. It also
displays the serial data received from both ports in the STDIO window.
—This program echoes characters over Serial Port B to Serial Port C. It
must be run with a serial utility such as Hyperterminal.
The following sample programs are found in the RS485 subdirectory in SAMPLES/BL2000.
—This program demonstrates a simple RS-485 transmission of lower case
letters to a slave BL2000. The slave will send back converted upper case letters back to
the master BL2000 and display them in the STDIO window. Use SLAVE.C to program
the slave BL2000.
—This program demonstrates a simple RS-485 transmission of lower case
letters to a slave BL2000. The slave will send back converted upper case letters back to
the master BL2000 and display them in the STDIO window. Use MASTER.C to program
the master BL2000.
4.2.4 A/D Converter Inputs
The following sample programs are found in the ADC subdirectory in SAMPLES/BL2000.
—Demonstrates how to recalibrate an A/D converter channel using two
known voltages to generate two coefficients, gain and offset, which are rewritten into
the user block data area. The voltage that is being monitored is displayed continuously.
Note that this sample program will overwrite the calibration constants set at the factory.
—Demonstrates how to access the A/D internal test voltages in both the
TLC2543 and TLC1543 A/D converter chips. The program reads the A/D internal volt-
ages and then uses the STDIO window to display the RAW data.
—Demonstrates how to access the A/D channels using the anaInVolt function.
The program uses the STDIO window to display the voltage that is being monitored.
—Demonstrates how to access the A/D converter channels with the low-level
A/D driver. The program uses the STDIO window to display the voltage that is being
monitored on all the A/D channels using the low-level A/D driver.
—Demonstrates how to use the A/D converter channels with the low-level A/D
driver. The program uses the STDIO window to display the voltage (average of 10 sam-
ples) that is being monitored on all the A/D converter channels using the low-level A/D