Catalog 3-1773445-8
Dimensions are in millimeters
Dimensions are shown for
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 6-07
and inches unless otherwise
reference purposes only.
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets
Specifications subject
Mexico: 01-800-733-8926
Japan: 81-44-844-8013
are U.S. equivalents.
to change.
C. America: 52-55-1106-0803
UK: 44-8706-080-208
Introduction (Continued)
Solutions for AdvancedTCA, AdvancedTCA 300,
MicroTCA, and AdvancedMC Standards
AdvancedMC, AdvancedTCA,
AdvancedTCA 300, MicroTCA and
PICMG are trademarks of PICMG-PCI
Industrial Computer Manufacturers
Group Incorporated.
What Is AdvancedTCA?
AdvancedTCA is an open
industry standard, devel-
oped by PICMG 3.0, to cre-
ate a new blade (board)
and chassis (shelf) form
factor, tailored to meet the
needs of the rapidly chang-
ing communications net-
work infrastructure, and
next generation communi-
cation applications, which
cannot be served by exist-
ing proprietary solutions.
This architecture places
high priority on cost effec-
tiveness versus attempting
to support a variety of
potential future technologies.
While the specification is
founded on the require-
ments of the communica-
tions infrastructure, it is
extensible to a variety of
applications and environ-
ments where highly avail-
able, highly scalable, cost
effective and open architec-
ture modular solutions are
What Is
AdvancedTCA300 is an
AdvancedTCA based
equipment platform, but
compliant with the ANSI and
ETSI equipment practices
requiring 300 mm total depth,
front access included.
What Is AdvancedMC?
The AdvancedMC standard,
also developed by PICMG,
defines the base-level
requirements for a wide-
range of high-speed mezza-
nine cards, optimized for, but
not limited to, AdvancedTCA
and MicroTCA carrier
blades. AdvancedMC
defines a modular add-on
or “child” card that extends
the functionality of an
AdvancedTCA carrier
board. In an AdvancedTCA
equipment practice, the
AdvancedMC modules lie
parallel to and are integrated
onto the AdvancedTCA
carrier board. The
AdvancedMC cards can
also be equipped in
MicroTCA shelves.
What Is MicroTCA?
MicroTCA is complementary
to AdvancedTCA, but is
optimized for smaller scale
and more price
sensitive applications. The
basic premise of MicroTCA
is to support mezzanine
boards, conform to the
AdvancedMC standard,
and connect to the back-
plane, eliminating the need
to use an additional carrier
board. Like AdvancedTCA,
the MicroTCA equipment
practice is a modular, open
standards based shelf level
platform. The MicroTCA
standard has not finished
completion yet.
The architecture is opti-
mized around connectivity
requirements of signaling
and media gateways, while
also providing headroom for
higher performance com-
puting elements @ a
99.999% availability rate.
AdvancedTCA offers
a scalable backplane
environment that supports:
A variety of standard
and proprietary fabric
Robust system
Superior power and
cooling capabilities.
Each board in AdvancedTCA
(up to 16 boards a shelf and
3 shelves a rack) may sup-
port up to 200 W in a single
slot. The power is supplied
to each board via redun-
dant -48 VDC feeds. Front
and rear cabling practice is
supported for standard 600
mm total depth cabinet
practice, prevalent in
Central Office facilities.