Tel: +44 (0)1992 509888
basic principles
Universal joints (U/J's) transmit rotation from one shaft placed
end to end with another. They will operate at a much larger
angle than is permissible with a misalignment coupler and are
commonly used in pairs to take a drive train through laterally
displaced axes. The ability to change angle while operating
under load gives U/J's a further advantage and in these
applications, a telescopic drive shaft is used to accommodate
accompanying changes in length.
Although constructional details can differ widely between one
maker's product and the next, U/J's fall into two groups
identified as constant velocity or non-constant velocity joints.
Constant velocity types are most often seen on front wheel
drive vehicles. They are relatively costly to produce and are
generally purpose designed for the application. The joints
featured in this catalogue work on the Hookes or Cardan
principle and are of the non-constant velocity type.
What this means is that for a given operating angle the output
velocity fluctuates even though the input velocity is constant.
These fluctuations result in the output gaining, then lagging with
respect to the input, twice in each revolution to an extent
governed by the operating angle. The fluctuation is predictable
and varies between
ω cos α
ω sec α
ω = angular velocity (speed rev/min)
α = operating angle
Thus at an operating angle of 5°, the fluctuation is ±0.4%, at 7°
±0.8% and at 10° ±1.5%. For example, a motor shaft turning at
a constant 1000 rpm, driving through a single universal joint set
at an operating angle of 5°, will produce an output that
fluctuates between 996 and 1004 rpm twice every revolution.
At low speed or on manual operation, the fluctuations will be of
interest only in calibrated applications; at higher speeds, they
will increasingly give rise to torsional vibration.
Constant velocity output can be restored by using a double
joint or by connecting two single joints back to back. Two rules
must be observed:
1. The operating angle must be the same at the input end as at
the output end (Figs. 1 & 2).
2. When connecting two single joints, they must be orientated
so that the inboard lugs are in line (Fig. 3).
Under these conditions the fluctuations in the first joint will for
all practical purposes be cancelled out by the complementary
fluctuations in the second.
angles must
be equal
in line
Fig 1
angles must
be equal
Fig 2
Fig 3
Principle of
Hookes joint
General purpose
drive shaft