RabbitCore RCM3200
6.5 Run the PINGME.C Sample Program
Connect the crossover cable from your computer’s Ethernet port to the RCM3200 board’s
RJ-45 Ethernet connector. Open this sample program from the SAMPLES\TCPIP\ICMP
folder, compile the program, and start it running under Dynamic C. When the program
starts running, the green LNK light on the RCM3200 board should be on to indicate an
Ethernet connection is made. (Note: If the LNK light does not light, you may not have a
crossover cable, or if you are using a hub perhaps the power is off on the hub.)
The next step is to ping the board from your PC. This can be done by bringing up the MS-
DOS window and running the pingme program:
or by Start > Run
and typing the entry
Notice that the red ACT light flashes on the RCM3200 board while the ping is taking
place, and indicates the transfer of data. The ping routine will ping the board four times
and write a summary message on the screen describing the operation.
6.6 Running More Sample Programs With Direct Connect
The sample programs discussed here are in the Dynamic C SAMPLES\RCM3200\TCPIP\
—This program demonstrates a basic controller running a Web page.
Two “LEDs” are created on the Web page, and two buttons on the Prototyping Board
then toggle them. Users can change the status of the lights from the Web browser. The
LEDs on the Prototyping Board match the ones on the Web page. As long as you have
not modified the TCPCONFIG 1 macro in the sample program, enter the following server
address in your Web browser to bring up the Web page served by the sample program.
Otherwise use the TCP/IP settings you entered in the TCP_CONFIG.LIB library.
—This program demonstrates a basic client that will send a packet and
wait for the connected server to echo it back. After every number of sends and receives,
transfer times are shown in the STDIO window.
Use ECHO_SERVER.C to program a server controller.
—This program demonstrates a basic server that will echo back any
data sent from a connected client.
Use ECHO_CLIENT.C to program a client controller.
—This program demonstrates Ethernet communication between two
single-board computers. The program sends an A/D voltage value to the second single-
board computer via Ethernet for display.
Use ENET_MENU.C to program the other single-board computer.