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These notes describe connection procedures to be adopted for the Able Systems Ap24XS and the
Ap24XS-40. These products feature:
Full support of EPSON M190 and M192 mechanisms
Single or double width print modes (Software selectable)
Full 224 IBM character set
Single and double height characters (Software selectable)
Inverted text mode
Dot-line graphics
8k data buffer allowing data to be received whilst printing
Serial data interface with selectable Baud rate
Serial data output for optional XON/XOFF/NAK information
Paper feed button
Easy access to paper
For an end user guide, please refer to our separate sheet.
Please read these carefully BEFORE proceeding
These products require a +5V DC power supply with a tolerance of +/-10%(+/-0.5V). For best
printing quality, it should regulated to better than +/-5%(0.25V). The current required varies with
the printing density and it is vitally important for correct initialisation and operation that the supply
can deliver sudden peak currents during operation and at start up of 5A. It is particularly important
that the initial rise-time of the supply is short enough to give a valid reset to the controller (eg 10ms
for 10% to 90%). The mean current will typically be 2A.
Note also that these products have split 5V supplies to the mechanism and controller and it is
strongly recommended that these be fed from separate regulators. The power to the controller
then be applied first, and removed last, if there is a significant difference in timing. The controller
supply current will be a maximum of 30mA, but the mechanism supply must be capable of 5A.
In considering the power supply arrangements, attention should be paid to the wiring and
connections, as significant voltage drops may otherwise occur. The printing performance and
reliability may be seriously affected by inadequate supply arrangements.
Momentary interruptions to, or reductions in the voltage of the power supply to the controller can
result in a fault condition from which it cannot recover until power is completely removed and
correctly restored. Under these conditions, the printer solenoids may be energised continuously
and burned out in a matter of seconds. The user must ensure that the supply will not be teased in
this way, or else protect the system from such effects.
The power supply must not be taken above 6V (5V +20%), or reversed, even under transient
conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the power arrangements in vehicle or battery-
operated applications, where load dump transients or reversal of replaceable batteries might occur.
Able Systems have many years' experience of the application of these products, and advice will be
freely given on request. These notes may seem severe, but what few problems occur are almost
invariably related to power supply faults.