深圳市亨力拓電子有限公司貨源電話:0755-83293082 阮先生
Features Features Features Features Features
? UltraFast: Optimized for high operating
frequencies 8-40 kHz in hard switching, >200
kHz in resonant mode
? Generation 4 IGBT design provides tighter
parameter distribution and higher effICiency than
Generation 3
? IGBT co-packaged with HEXFREDTM ultrafast,
ultra-soft-recovery anti-parallel diodes for use in
bridge configurations
? Industry standard TO-247AC package
? Generation -4 IGBTs offer highest efficiencies
? IGBTs optimized for specific application conditions
? HEXFRED diodes optimized for performance with
IGBTs . Minimized recovery characteristics require
less/no snubbing
? Designed to be a "drop-in" replacement for equivalent
industry-standard Generation 3 IR IGBTs
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
VCES Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 600 V
IC @ TC = 25°C Continuous Collector Current 23
IC @ TC = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 12
ICM Pulsed Collector Current 92 A
ILM Clamped Inductive Load Current 92
IF @ TC = 100°C Diode Continuous Forward Current 12
IFM Diode Maximum Forward Current 92
VGE Gate-to-Emitter Voltage ± 20 V
PD @ TC = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 100
PD @ TC = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 42
TJ Operating Junction and -55 to +150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range °C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 sec. 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 Screw. 10 lbf?in (1.1 N?m)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
RθJC Junction-to-Case - IGBT ------ ------ 1.2
RθJC Junction-to-Case - Diode ------ ------ 2.5 °C/W
RθCS Case-to-Sink, flat, greased surface ------ 0.24 ------
RθJA Junction-to-Ambient, typical socket mount ----- ----- 40
Wt Weight ------ 6 (0.21) ------ g (oz)
Thermal Resistance