TRU050, VCXO Based PLL
Vectron International, 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051-4916
Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1
Web: www.vectron.com
Page 6 of 14
Rev : 06Jan2006
VCXO and Absolute Pull Range (APR) Specification
The TRU050’s VCXO is a varactor tuned crystal oscillator, which produces an output frequency
proportional to the control voltage (pin 1). The frequency deviation of the TRU050 VCXO is specified in
terms of Absolute Pull Range (APR). APR provides the user with a guaranteed specification for minimum
available frequency deviation over all operating conditions. Operating conditions include operating
temperature range, power supply variation, and differences in output loading and changes due to aging.
A TRU050 VCXO with an APR of +/-50 ppm will track a +/-50 ppm reference source over all
operating conditions. The fourth character of the product code in Table 6 specifies absolute Pull Range
(APR). Please see Vectron’s web site, www.vectron.com, for the APR Application Note.
APR is tested at 0.5 and 4.5 volts for a 5 volt option and 0.3 and 3.0 volts for the 3.3 volt option.
VCXO Aging
Quartz stabilized oscillators typically exhibit a small shift in output frequency during aging. The major
factors, which lead to this shift, are changes in the mechanical stress on the crystal and mass-loading of
foreign material on the crystal.
As the oscillator ages, relaxation of the crystal mounting stress or transfer of environmental stress
through the package to the crystal mounting arrangement can lead to frequency variations. VI has
minimized these two effects through the use of a miniature AT-Cut strip resonator crystal, which allows a
superior mounting arrangement, and results in minimal relaxation and almost negligible environmental
stress transfer.
VI has eliminated the impact of mass loading by ensuring hermetic integrity and minimizing outgassing by
limiting the number of internal components through the use of ASIC technology. Mass-loading on the
crystal generally results in a frequency decrease and is typically due to outgassing of material within a
hermetic package or from contamination by external material in a less than hermetic package.
Under normal operating conditions with an operating temperature of 40°C, the TRU050 will typically
exhibit 2 ppm aging in the first year of operation. The device will then typically exhibit 1 ppm aging the
following year with a logarithmic decline each year thereafter.
Divide-By Feature
The lowest available VCXO OUT 1 frequency is 12.000MHz. To achieve lower frequencies, such as
1.544 or 2.048 MHz, OUT1 is divided by a 2
n counter , where n=1 to 8 and is the OUT2 frequency. This
results in a divide by 2,4,8…256 option and is wire-bonded at the factory, so it is user selectable upon
ordering only. To achieve 1.544 or 2.048MHz, a TRU050 at 24.704 with a divide by 16 or a TRU050
16.384 with a divide-by 8 would be used. Additional external divide-by circuits can be used to further
lower or change the input frequency range.
A disabled Out2 is available.