www.cor.com - Libertyville, IL (847) 680-7400
P Series
Switch Option
Both switched (DPST) and unswitched wiring of the P
Series are available.
Input Voltage Select
The P series of power entry modules provides a dual
voltage selector which is integrated with the fuseholder.
To simplify the wiring in each individual application,
Corcom provides dedicated voltage selectors for different
voltage selection schemes. The two most popular
schemes are series/parallel for dual primary transformers
and the “DPST switch” for switching mode power supplies
(jumper types.) P series products with an “S” as the fifth
digit are specifically designed for “jumper” type
applications associated with switching mode power
Filter Type
Six options are available for the filter type: general
purpose, medical applications, high performance, high
performance medical as well as an unfiltered and
unfiltered with an interconnection block.
Filtered versions include the S Models which are
designed for general purpose applications where line-to-
ground and line-to-line noise must be controlled.
Z Models are high performance filters designed to help
bring most digital equipment (including switching power
supplies) into compliance with EN55022, Level B (as well
as FCC Part 15J, Class B) conducted emissions limits.
H Models are the medical versions of the S models and
are designed to help equipment meet UL544, UL2601
and EN60601 for patient and non-patient care equipment
in medical applications. L Models are the medical
version of the Z models (high performance) that are
designed to additionally allow equipment to meet UL544,
UL2601 and EN 60601 for patient and non-patient care
1) Dual Primary Transformer Type:
2) Jumper Type
Note 1: Jumpers are required if a filter or interconnection
module is not used.
Note 2: Location of optional filter. Jumpers are required if a filter or
interconnection module is not used.
S Model
applications. The voltage selector installed will allow
proper wiring from these applications. No matter what
voltage selection scheme is used, wiring is always made
to the same four terminals.
Fuse / Fuseholder Options
Another feature of the P series power entry module is a
versatile fusing arrangement. Its fuseholder can hold
two 1/4” x 1-1/4” or 5 x 20mm fuses. It can also be
converted to accept one fuse with a conversion clip that
bridges one of the two fuse chambers.
The conversion clip is installed on the P Series power
entry modules set for single fusing (those with part
numbers with an “S” as the sixth digit). Units with a “D”
as the sixth digit do not include a conversion clip.
Extenders cannot be added to units with B or C shields.
(Voltage selection not available on L or Z models)
P series products with an “X” as the fifth digit are
specifically designed for dual primary transformer
Shown is the fuseholder with a fuse held in the
proper manner. Note that the back end of
the fuse slightly protrudes out of the
fuseholder in order to make contact with a
terminal inside the power entry module.