代替BAUMER堡盟超聲波傳感器URDK 10P8914/KS35A

批發(fā)數(shù)量 1-9個(gè) 10-99個(gè) ≥100個(gè)
梯度價(jià)格 990.00 980.00 950.00
URDK 10P8914/KS35A




A special sonic transducer is used for the ultrasonic proximity sensors, which allows for
alternate transmission and reception of sound waves. The transducer emits a number of
sonic waves which are reflected by an object, back to the transducer. After emission of
the sound waves, the ultrasonic sensor will switch to receive mode. The time elapsed
between emitting and receiving is proportional to the distance of the object from the
Digital and analog output
Sensing is only possible within the detection area. The required sensing
range can be adjusted with the sensor's potentiometer or by electronic Teach-in
(Teach-in button or remote Teach-in). If an object is detected within the set area, the
output changes its state. The built-in LED indicates this change.
Design and operation
Target detection Sonic waves are best reflected from hard surfaces. Targets may be solids, liquids, granules
or powders. In fact, ultrasonic sensors are used in many applications where objects
are difficult to detect with optical devices.
Standard target
The standard target is defined as a square flat object of following sizes:
• 15 x 15 mm for Sde up to 250 mm
• 30 x 30 mm for Sde up to 1000 mm
• 100 x 100 mm for Sde > 1000 mm
The target should be mounted perpendicular to the axis of the sensor.
To ensure a reliable object detection, the reflected signal must be large enough. The
intensity of the signal depends on the size of the object. Using a standard object, the
full scanning range Sd is available.
Detection of sound absorbent materials will result in a reduction of the maximum sensing
The maximum sensing distance can be achieved as long as the maximum roughness of
the object does not exceed 0,2 mm.
Typical sound absorbing materials are:
• foam rubber
• cotton / wool / cloth / felt
• very porous materials
The sonic cone profile charts as found in the spec sheets of this catalog represent the
active sensing areas for ultrasonic sensors. The charts demonstrate the short-range sonic
side lobes, which widen the sensor's close-range aperture angle. Due to sound absorption
and air diffusion, the lobes decrease at longer ranges.
Size, shape, surface properties and the direction of target detection have very high influence
on the lateral detecting region of an ultrasonic sensor.
Sonic beam profiles are typical for their whole family, eg. the profile for 100 - 1000 mm represents
all types– digital and analog outputs, etc. of sensors with that sensing range.
 When determining the shape of typical sonic cone profiles standard square targets made
of steel are used.
• 15 x 15 mm for Sde up to 250 mm
• 30 x 30 mm for Sde up to 1000 mm
• 100 x 100 mm for Sde > 1000 mm
The targets are positioned perpendicularly to the sensor's reference axis, approached
sideways at different distances. The sonic cone profile is then plotted by connecting the
measured points with a line.
The cone shape can vary if round or differently shaped objects are detected.

